
The Class

Classes are $550 per couple.

The classes educate the pregnant couple in the understanding of the birth process, how the mother’s body works as well as teaches skills for the couple to use up to and during their labour and birth. The aim of the calmbirth® programme is to empower couples to take back the focus of control for their own birthing experience. In calmbirth® the role of the partner is vitally important, all three, mother, baby, partner work in tandem. In the classes partners learn how to support the mother, making the experience one of joy for all concerned.

Calmbirth® is an evidence based education program for pregnant couples preparing for a positive birth. The aim of the program is to help pregnant couples eliminate fear & anxiety in relation to their approaching labour and birth. It is designed to help women understand about their bodies amazing ability to give birth.

Calmbirth teaches women and their partners the practical skills of relaxation, breathing, visualisation, massage & acupressure points, which are used during pregnancy, labour, birth & beyond.

The one day Calmbirth® refresher course is intended for couples who have previously attended a full weekend of a Calmbirth® course. The one-day Calmbirth® refresher course is designed for those couples who are expecting their 2nd, 3rd or subsequent babies, and it maybe years’ between having children, and they want to simply refresh their knowledge, refresh their skills and refresh their confidence. Because every birth and baby is different. The Refresher course is appropriately arranged, so as to give pregnant couples, once again, the opportunity to review and fine tune the beliefs, knowledge and skills underpinning the Calmbirth® philosophy of childbirth education.

The course outline:
  • Understanding the psychology of birth and how your mental state, thoughts and beliefs leading up to and on the day not only dictates your experience of birth, but also the way your body works with labour and birth.
  • The physiology of birth…how does your body give birth.
  • Tools, techniques and practical skills to assist you mentally and physically.
  • Acupressure points for labour and birth.
  • The role of the partner and what they can do to help.
  • Preparation for all birth journeys – working with intervention.
  • Conscious parenting – ensuring you are aware of the role your baby plays and the role you are playing in assisting your baby into the world.
Book here!
  • Ideal time to do the class is between 24 & 34 weeks of pregnancy
  • Group Calmbirth Classes are limited to 5 couples – $595 per couple
  • Private classes are available on request –  $895
  • Refresher classes are available on request – $350 (Private $670)
  • Caesarean birth classes are available on request – $440 (Private $670)
  • 2 day classes 9.30am-5pm
  • 4 night classes 5.45pm-9pm
  • Or a combination of both

Upcoming course dates

  • Calmbirth® Class February/January 29 + 30 + 3 + 4 (4 nights)
  • Calmbirth® Class February 18 + 20 + 25 + 27 (4 nights)
  • Calmbirth® Class March 26 + 30 + April 1 (1 day & 2 nights)
  • Calmbirth® Class April 30 + May 1 + 5 + 6 (4 nights)
  • Calmbirth® REFRESHER Class May 18
  • Calmbirth® Class May 28 + 29 + June 2 + 3 (4 nights)
  • Calmbirth® Class July 2 + 3 + 7 + 8 (4 nights)