George William

A Calmbirth® story.
George William Cullen, born on the 26th of October, 4 days early.
My labor and birth was an amazing experience for myself and husband, Brad! It really could not have gone any better! I am still in awe of my body and what it achieved!
It was about 11am on the 26th when I decided that I was going into labor, I rang the hospital at  12, and they instructed me on when I should head into hospital. We headed a bit after 5pm, when they admitted me, I was 8cm dialated, he was born 4.5 hours later at 9.30pm (20mins pushing). Delivered by my Aunty, who is a midwife and was on shift when we came in. With no drugs/pain relief, I concentrated a lot on my breathing, which got me through each contraction.
Thanks to calmbirth I went into birth confident and trusting in my body! I loved my birth experience, it was truly amazing!
Thank you again for having us for the calmbirth course!