Olive Rose

A Calmbirth® story.


On the 28th of November at 9:36pm our little angel Olive Rose Pennefather was born. I woke up at 5:00am on the 28th to mild contractions, I was 6 days over due and very ready to have a baby! Contractions slowly got stronger and closer together as the day went on. I called the hospital a couple of times but stayed home all day as I felt quite calm and confident. My waters broke late in the afternoon after I did some squats while listening to music. We then decided it was time to go to hospital, it was about 5:00pm when we arrived. The midwife didn’t seem to believe I was in labour until she came back from doing paperwork to find me on the floor on my hands and knees! Things moved quite quickly from there. I laboured for a couple of hours in the shower and then moved to bed when it was time to push. Everything went exactly how I had hoped, I had no medication and everything happened naturally. I felt strong and in control, there was one moment where I started to doubt myself and my husband Justin was so supportive I was able to keep going. Calm birth helped us both feel more confident and positive about labour and birth. It gave us an idea of what to expect at each stage of labour and gave us tools to help cope. I believe that feeling confident and optimistic along with a lot of praying contributed to us having such a positive experience.