Louie George

A Calmbirth® story.

Our birth experience was quite a whirlwind. I was monitored for low fluid for the final four weeks of my pregnancy and was eventually booked in for an induction at 39.5 weeks on 4/3/19. My obstetrician broke my waters and we were left to go for a walk and to our own devices for the morning. The midwife asked how I was feeling at around 10:30am but I felt completely fine. She suggested we go out for another walk and after this, I started to have some back pain. My obstetrician wanted to move things along so I was ready to be induced with syntocin. However, by 12:30pm I was starting to feel the contractions quickly and quite intensely and didn’t need the induction. We tried many of the calm birth techniques and spent most of the labour on my feet, swinging hips leaning on the bed, holding on to Alex and eventually, I took a shower. After 2 hours, my ob checked how far dilated I was and I was already 7cm. Within 30mins of pushing, our little man Louie George was born at 2:54pm. I really found some of the calm birth techniques helped with pre labour anxieties and fear of the unknown as I was calm and ready to meet him. Louie was also born without any drugs due to his quick arrival! Alex was a champion in helping me through the contractions and using visualizations helped immensely. We are very happy as a little family of three!

Gemma & Alex.