Pearl Amelia

A Calmbirth® story.

Our precious little girl, Pearl Amelia, was born 15/4/19. I ended up not needing a c-section and was induced over a day and a half. 
The induction was challenging but through the calmbirth techniques I learnt, I just kept visualising getting to meet our baby for the first time. Through an intense labour due to induction I was able to deliver her vaginally. Such a proud moment being able to birth her naturally! We are all well and completely in love. Calm birth allowed us to go into the induction/ birth suite with knowledge and as you taught us- with ‘knowledge there is confidence.’ I felt safe, loved and capable, even when everything didn’t go exactly as planned. 

The affirmation cards you gave us at the end of the class were probably the tool I used the most, I had them where I could see them in the labour room and they allowed me to really breathe through the waves and visualise meeting our baby. 

Thank you for being a wonderful teacher! We appreciate the class and everything we learnt through it. 

Jessie & Ash