Wynne Marlo Muldoon

“Thank you Cherie. Thanks to your calmbirth class I had a range of tools available and felt in control the entire time. I can’t recommend Calmbirth highly enough.”

After a few false starts leading up to my due date Wynne Marlo Muldoon was finally born three days late on the 28th May.

I spent most of the labour at home pacing, squatting and resting. I focused on my breath and remaining calm throughout which helped me to keep my body relaxed. Labour progressed a lot faster than it did with my first baby and we soon headed to the hospital.

Dave was excellent. He got the acupressure card out of my labour bag and proceeded to apply pressure to the points which were really helpful.

I used some gas shortly before pushing began but apart from that I just used my favourite techniques from Calmbirth. I focussed on changing positions regularly, staying active, using gravity to my advantage, breathing and visualisation.