Elijah Desmond

A Calmbirth® story.

Before I started Calmbirth I had the attitude that I would ‘just wing it’ and ‘try not to think about it’ but I wanted to do calm birth because of all the negative images I had seen on TV and movies and I didn’t want my experience to be like that. I wanted to feel empowered and ready. Everything else in my life I was used to being able to plan for and be organised, I thought why wouldn’t I want to do that for the biggest day of my life? So my husband and I found Calmbirth. We left our first class with Cherie just blown away with the amount of knowledge and confidence we had gained on Day One of the course. By the end of Day Two I was feeling empowered and ready, no matter what turn my labour took. The best part was my husband now had a range of tools and strategies he could use in labour to support me. We were both so thankful we had done the class.

Two months after doing the class our beautiful son was born at 8.46pm by emergency cesarean section weighing 10pounds 2 ounces at 40+4 weeks.

Calmbirth helped me prepare for the unexpected events that took place during the birth of our son. Without the understanding of the mind/body connection from the calmbirth class I don’t think I would have been able to get through the 36 hours of labour before having to have an emergency c-section. Even though our birth took this unexpected turn I was able to use the breathing strategies and visualisations to remain calm regardless of the path our birth took and to see our birth as a positive experience. My husband and I were both informed of the pros and cons of the interventions that were used during my birth thanks to the knowledge we gained through calmbirth. Most importantly my beautiful boy Elijah is here safe and sound and I truely feel ‘Calmbirth’ class helped us bring him earth-side in the calmest way possible.
