A Calmbirth® couple story.
I felt a bit off in the morning and realised I was having proper contractions. About 2pm we laboured at home for a while using Calmbirth strategies especially breathing techniques, using movement (fitball) and massage. Adam was confident and knew what to expect and how he could help and support me, which was invaluable.
I called my midwife and she said it all sounded like early labour. By about 6pm I was feeling the urge to push so we decided to go the hospital even through she had said we could probably say at home longer. When we got to hospital I was fully dilated and ready to push!
Sophia Iris was born via natural delivery on the 12th of December at 8.47pm, weighing 7lb 2oz with no pain relief other than panadol early in the day.
Thank you for your help and knowledge – I feel like Calmbirth really gave me an understanding of what was happening and helped me to stay calm for a birth experience I wanted.
Best wishes, Lisa & Adam