Author: Cherie

Angus (Gus) George

Thanks for sharing your birth story Grace & Jai. Jai – The main reason I’m glad I did calm birth as a dad to be, was because, even though I knew a lot about the medical side of things from my work and that of Grace, from a practical supportive partner stand point I didn’t…

Harper Mae

WELCOME Harper Mae Mathew Born March 20th 2022, 3.332kg – 50cm long.   “When we caught up with J the next day we discussed the birth and she was very complimentary of the Calm Birth program she said that without knowing you could pick 99% of couples who do the classes based on their birth…

Twins Maggie + Charlie

Welcome Maggie & Charlie Hi Cherie. My waters broke on Christmas at 30 weeks. Within an hour I was having contractions 1-2 minutes apart and I was rushed in for an emergency caesarean. We used the breathing technique and had practiced them regularly in the stressful weeks in hospital. Despite the chaos of people everywhere…

Summer Jane

“Calmbirth definitely supported my partner to support me during the birth. The education calm birth provided was great and in the end he caught Summer as she entered the world without any hesitation!   Our baby Summer Jane was born on 1/12/21 (the first day of summer ??). Summer was wasn’t in any rush to…


Welcome Hugo Thank you for this beautiful review Pauline Enrolling my partner and myself in the Calmbirth program has been one the best decision I have made during my pregnancy. Despite the fact that we have both gained some incredibly valuable knowledge and techniques that truly helped us during labour, I also found it to…