Category: The Babies!

Wynne Marlo Muldoon

“Thank you Cherie. Thanks to your calmbirth class I had a range of tools available and felt in control the entire time. I can’t recommend Calmbirth highly enough.” After a few false starts leading up to my due date Wynne Marlo Muldoon was finally born three days late on the 28th May. I spent most…

Emilia Joy

A Calmbirth® story. Happy to report that our beautiful daughter, Emilia Joy, was born on 21 March. She is a happy baby and generally very laid back. Andy & I really enjoyed the weekend we spent with you, we were listening to the relaxation downloads regularly before bed & continued to read up on birth skills….

Pearl Amelia

A Calmbirth® story. Our precious little girl, Pearl Amelia, was born 15/4/19. I ended up not needing a c-section and was induced over a day and a half. The induction was challenging but through the calmbirth techniques I learnt, I just kept visualising getting to meet our baby for the first time. Through an intense labour…

Louie George

A Calmbirth® story. Our birth experience was quite a whirlwind. I was monitored for low fluid for the final four weeks of my pregnancy and was eventually booked in for an induction at 39.5 weeks on 4/3/19. My obstetrician broke my waters and we were left to go for a walk and to our own…

Olive Rose

A Calmbirth® story.   On the 28th of November at 9:36pm our little angel Olive Rose Pennefather was born. I woke up at 5:00am on the 28th to mild contractions, I was 6 days over due and very ready to have a baby! Contractions slowly got stronger and closer together as the day went on….

George William

A Calmbirth® story. George William Cullen, born on the 26th of October, 4 days early. My labor and birth was an amazing experience for myself and husband, Brad! It really could not have gone any better! I am still in awe of my body and what it achieved! It was about 11am on the 26th…