Category: The Babies!

Flynn Andrew

A Calmbirth® couple story. The best thing about doing the calm birth classes was that it gave me confidence that my body knew how to birth naturally and also a completely positive attitude towards labour and birth. Flynn Andrew, born at 2:10am 18th October weighing 8pound1ounce after a 20hr labour. Laura.

Oliver Daniel

A Calmbirth® couple story. Reflecting back, Calmbirth was not just a technique we learned but an education in birth in general and something to use for the rest of our lives in every day scenarios. The mind is a powerful tool.  The human body is a marvel.  Trust it! I encourage everyone to become empowered….


A Calmbirth® couple story. Little baby was Lola born at 10.35pm, 25th of Jan 2015.  Weighing 6.8 pounds (3.1 kg) Early labour started around 11pm Tuesday 24th, I had little sleep as the braxton hicks type contractions woke me every 5 min, though they were painless. The next morning Tom went to work and I…

Yehudis Leah

Doula –   Monday 10th August 2015 at 2.40am the beautiful Yehudis Leah was born. “Everything went smooth and well with the support and encouragement of my doula and support team, resulting in the birth I wanted and a beautiful healthy baby girl”. Rochel