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Freya Jane

A Calmbirth Story “Towards the end of pregnancy I really surrender and trusted that my body could birth our baby naturally. The Calmbirth course had such a positive impact for us and helped us really work as a team and focus on what was important during the birth.” Our beautiful girl Freya arrived on the…

Oliver, Arthur & Patrick

Five years on!  One of my very first Calmbirth couples shares her 3 very different births.. Natural Caesarean VBAC We still talk about how amazing Calmbirth was for us. We have had 3 wonderful birth experiences, all very different and Calmbirth helped in them all. 1st birth was a natural, pain relief free birth where…

August James Kirk

A Calmbirth Story. Dan and I went away down south of Hobart over last weekend for a winter beach getaway for his birthday. While we were away I had blamed a different bed, long walks on the beach and a change in his position to some new back pain that I had developed. On Monday…

Nellie May Fahey

Nellie’s birth story: I first heard about Calmbirth in early 2019 when I completed my Pre-Natal Yoga Teacher Training I wasn’t pregnant at the time, we had been trying for some time so and it had started to cause some anxiety for me. I came home from the training shared how amazing the Calmbirth sounded…

Eden Gigi

A Calmbirth Story. Our baby girl, Eden Gigi, arrived on 7 April at 9:31am weighing 6 lbs, 12 oz. She was born via caesarean. I had hoped for a natural delivery however, due to oligohydramnios (low levels of amniotic fluid) and a breach position, a caesarean was considered the safest path. Prior to attending Calmbirth…

Wyatt David Thom

A Calmbirth Story. I was very nervous about the pending arrival of our first baby and was recommended to try Calmbirth classes by our obstetrician. My partner Kris and I booked into Cherie’s classes. Going into the classes I was excited, and my partner skeptical, about how much we would learn in 2 days. By…