Category: Uncategorized

Jack Rafferty Clark

A Dads Calmbirth Story. We took a lot from the Calmbirth classes and really feel they made a difference.  Thank you! Born 20 May 2020 3.4kg 51cm Head circumference 34cm Jack’s Journey Caitlin’s waters broke at 3am on the 19th of May. We went into hospital shortly after and Caitlin was monitored. In the early…

Barnaby William Craw

A Calmbirth Story. Welcome Barnaby William Craw Born 2nd May 2020 1620g, 42cm Throughout our pregnancy our baby was small, in the 3rd percentile, needing to be monitored closely. I was trying to stay calm but had to be open that the baby may have to come early if anything changed – meditating and trying…

Mia Rose Croucher

A Calmbirth Story. Mia Rose Croucher arrived on 24.4.20 and we are in love with her! In the end we had an elective caesarean 5 days before my due date as my obstetrician didn’t want me to go full term and my cervix was still closed and she hadn’t dropped/engaged at all yet. As a…

Henley Wayne Stanley Croft

A Calmbirth Story. Born 06/03/2020 at 2:12pm 9lb 2oz (4.12kg) 54cm long 37cm head circumference A natural drug free (water) birth was always what my heart desired and what I believed was best for myself and our son. It was something I felt very strongly about, and took the time to extensively research. This also…

Elijah Desmond

A Calmbirth® story. Before I started Calmbirth I had the attitude that I would ‘just wing it’ and ‘try not to think about it’ but I wanted to do calm birth because of all the negative images I had seen on TV and movies and I didn’t want my experience to be like that. I…

Angus Alan

A Calmbirth® story. I’m very happy to let you know that our beautiful son Angus Alan was born on 8th Jan. I had an appointment with our obstetrician on the 8th January 2020 at which time I was 3 days over due date. She checked everything and all was good. She did a stretch and…