Category: Uncategorized


A Calmbirth® story. After going so far overdue with my first pregnancy and ending up coming away from my labour/birth feeling quite traumatized and negative about the whole experience, I felt like doing the Calmbirth class this time around, really contributed to how positive and calm my 2nd labour & birth was. I went into…


A Calmbirth® couple story. Here’s our little story… Adeline’s Calm Birth Story . Our due date for the birth of our little girl was set for April 16 so by the time we were reaching April 28, there was talk of induction within the next few days. Luckily for us, Adeline decided that at 12:45am…

Arthur Browning Crowley

 A Calmbirth® couple story. Ray and I are excited to announce that we have welcomed our baby into the world. He came 8 days early which was a big surprise to us. My mum had flown down for the birth and literally arrived 2.5 hours before my waters broke on Monday night at 10pm. What…


A Calmbirth® couple story. ‘We welcomed our beautiful girl Poppy Jacqueline, 8.50am Saturday morning. We are all doing really well! Thank you so much for all the ideas and strategies from the Calmbirth course, both Phil and I found it so helpful to have exactly the birth we wanted. The midwife said she found it…

VBAC story (doula client)

A mothers birth story: Baby boy born 5am Sunday 11th March 2018 I’d been feeling a bit vague and reflective all day Saturday. I was having Braxton hicks and period-like pain like I’d had for the past two weeks but today they weren’t going away with rest. We got home late after visiting friends and…


A Calmbirth® couple story. Our first child Max was born 07/02/2018 at 13:55 at 38 +2 weeks, weighing 6lbs 1oz.   My waters broke at 10.35 in the morning with contractions starting quickly after 2 minutes apart. Soon after we made our way to the hospital, at this point things were very intense and I…