Category: Uncategorized

Oliver George

A Calmbirth® couple story. We had Oliver on December 4 at 37+3 weeks. I developed Cholestasis (a potentially fatal liver condition) late in my pregnancy so bubs had to come out. It was quite scary but definitely the best outcome for both of us. I was induced in the morning. Having my waters broken and…

Sophia Iris

A Calmbirth® couple story. I felt a bit off in the morning and realised I was having proper contractions. About 2pm we laboured at home for a while using Calmbirth strategies especially breathing techniques, using movement (fitball) and massage. Adam was confident and knew what to expect and how he could help and support me,…

Mabel Ruby Dunlop

A Calmbirth® couple story. We wanted to let you know that Mabel Ruby Dunlop was born on the 1 Nov at 138am, 4kg, natural birth- 2.5 hours!! It was a positive experience!! We know that calm birth training was vital, at times I was a bit too calm and the midwives didn’t think I was…

Connor Alexander James

A Calmbirth® couple story. We certainly are settling well into life with our beautiful son, Connor Alexander James. In the blink of an eye our long awaited bump has been earth-side for 14 weeks. Connor was born at 1 pm on the 1st of February. Our birthing experience started three days before Connor finally entered…


A Calmbirth® couple story. “William arrived safely on March 25. It was a much better experience this time. I found the Calmbirth® techniques helpful, especially at the beginning stages. They were also helpful after the birth when I was a bit unwell, it helped me to not panic. Thanks very much!”


A Calmbirth® couple story. Little Jack arrived Saturday morning around 1:40am weighing 7lb2oz. Quite a short labour, around 5 hours of intense contractions/pushing. We managed to get through using only a little bit of gas at the lowest dose, yoga breathing, Calm Birth techniques & the most fantastic support team of Dan & my mum….