Category: Uncategorized

Jed Maxwell

A Calmbirth® couple story. Born 1st April 2016 My labour did not begin as I had hoped or expected. I wanted as little medical intervention as possible, however at the advice of my midwife I was induced at 10 days over. I had the cervidil overnight at the hospital, and then my waters broken at…

Caleb James

A Calmbirth® couple story. Thursday 18 February 2016 Born 5.45am, 53cm long, 3.936kg Previous birth story – Why I am VBAC I am the proud mum to a chekky 2 year old Tahlia Rose! She was born via c section in 2013. After being induced at 40+12 I delivered large 4.396/10pd baby via emergency caesarean…

Zachary Amos

A Calmbirth® couple story. 8.2 pounds. 57cm. 30th November 2015 Photo by Lauren McKinnon. My husband, Nick, and I both chose to do the calm birth course in my second pregnancy. My first birth was an arduous labour with a decent amount of intervention. I found it somewhat traumatic afterwards and knew that to be…

Eve Olivia

A Calmbirth® couple story. Born January 11th, 7 pound 13 ounces, 51cm After a completely normal pregnancy I started developing epigastric pain at 37+5.  Initially I brushed this off as pre-labour symptoms and used my Calmbirth techniques to cope when the pain was bad.  After a few days I realised that it was a little…

Luca James

A Calmbirth® couple story. Luca James born January 13th,  7 pound 12 and 53cm. It was not at all what I had hoped for in my birthing experience unfortunately, but that’s just that way things go sometimes. I was induced on the night of my due date (due to high blood pressure throughout my pregnancy…

Lucella Grace

A Calmbirth® couple story. After a straightforward and natural birth with our firstborn, we were looking forward to the birth of our second baby with excitement and anticipation. Cherie was starting out as a Calmbirth practitioner and approached us to ask if were interested in completing the course with her. Life was busy with work…