Emilia Joy

A Calmbirth® story.

Happy to report that our beautiful daughter, Emilia Joy, was born on 21 March. She is a happy baby and generally very laid back. 
Andy & I really enjoyed the weekend we spent with you, we were listening to the relaxation downloads regularly before bed & continued to read up on birth skills. Thanks to Calmbirth, we were looking towards the birth of our baby with excitement and empowerment, rather than anxiety and concern. Only one minor hiccup… at every scan our baby had been sitting in breech position.
By 35 weeks, our obstetrician started to have serious discussions about the dreaded ‘c’ word. My immediate thought was ‘Looks like we might be going to Holland instead of Italy!’  Over the next couple of weeks I tried lots of things to encourage the baby to turn such as acupuncture, remedial massage, swimming, hanging out on all fours, heat pack on the pelvis/ice pack under the ribs. By 38 weeks however, it was clear our little one was comfy and not moving. An ECV was booked but our obstetrician had doubts about its success for us. She was happy to try if we wanted, but didn’t know if it was worth the stress to me and the baby. We agreed and the caesarean was booked for the following week.
I admit I had a little cry as I was looking forward to the physical, mental and emotional challenge of child birth but we just wanted our baby earth side with us in the safest manner possible. 
We still felt very calm and excited heading into Emilia’s birth- it’s a very strange feeling arriving at hospital, not being in labour, and knowing we’d have our baby to cuddle in a couple of hours time! I still used the breathing exercises and had visualised my successful and speedy recovery in the days leading up to it. I had dapped some essential oils on a tissue which Andy took into the theatre for me to smell- this all helped keep me calm and positive about the experience. Soon our healthy little girl had arrived and I had skin to skin straight away. Even though we didn’t have a natural birth, I don’t regret doing the Calmbirth course and would strongly recommend to any first time parents! 
Warm regards,