Welcome Hugo ??
Thank you for this beautiful review Pauline
Enrolling my partner and myself in the Calmbirth program has been one the best decision I have made during my pregnancy. Despite the fact that we have both gained some incredibly valuable knowledge and techniques that truly helped us during labour, I also found it to be such a beautiful thing to share with my partner; as they were no other times during my pregnancy where we got to spend 4 nights together, talking everything birth and babies with other expectant couples, all while drinking tea and eating some delicious homemade treats in the most beautiful home.
« Calmbirth » is the perfect name for this program as it’s exactly what it has helped us to achieved, a calm, positive, empowering natural birth. My birth was beautiful, things didn’t go quite as straightforward as we had imagined it but I was able to stay in trust the whole time.
Personally, I found very helpful to learn about the science of birth such as the hormones of labour, how they work, how to best support them as well as the different stages of labour and what to expect during each. This really helped me understand about my natural abilities to give birth, and the fact that we, women, are literally made for this !
And of course I can’t talk about the Calmbirth classes without talking about Cherie. She opened up her home and shared her knowledge with us with immense warmth, kindness and generosity. She is a great instructor and the way she delivers her classes makes the 3 hours go by so quickly, I could have easily stayed there listening to her talking all night!
If you are pregnant and if you are in the Launceston area I couldn’t recommend enough to join Cherie’s Calmbirth Classes.