Isla Rose Zuj

Welcome Isla ?

Hi Cherie, just wanted to let you know that we welcomed our beautiful baby girl Isla Rose Zuj into the world last Saturday night at 11:42pm.
Weight: 7pounds 13 ounces
Length: 54cm

Thank you so much again for everything you taught us at calmbirth.
Even though Isla’s birth ended up detouring from our plan (I had to have an emergency c section at the last minute) the techniques you taught us at calmbirth helped me to be able to cope with what unfolded during my labour, and even though I had an emergency c section due to reasons out of my control, I was still able to labour naturally at home and at the hospital without any pain relief right up until the last minute when things took a turn.
So thank you again!
Cheers, Rebecca and Chris Zuj