Mia Rose Croucher

A Calmbirth Story.

Mia Rose Croucher arrived on 24.4.20 and we are in love with her!

In the end we had an elective caesarean 5 days before my due date as my obstetrician didn’t want me to go full term and my cervix was still closed and she hadn’t dropped/engaged at all yet.

As a result the birth was quick with no pain but still got a great result with a beautiful healthy girl! It was still worthwhile to learn the whole process of labour with you as you never know what your birth plan will be. In the end I didn’t really have a birth plan and I’m glad I didn’t as it all would have changed anyway!

I stayed in hospital 6 days until my milk came in and I was comfortable breast feeding. I wish the nurses had told me about the need to express a bit when your milk came in so she could attach, and nipple covers earlier as I didn’t know about them until I got home.

Overall going well and getting into a feed/sleep routine which helps!

Take care
Shona x