Nina Mae

A Calmbirth® story.

We have a baby! A girl, Nina Mae Dillon, born at 8:40pm Thursday 12th July, 3.4kg. Happy and healthy! We went to 41 weeks and still no baby so induced on the 10th. It took a few days with two lots of gel plus a balloon catheter to get me into labour! 10 hours later Nina was born :).

The CalmBirth breathing techniques really helped, I used them throughout my labour and only supplemented with gas as my other means of pain management. The breathing kept me focussed and allowed me to be present with each contraction, I didn’t think “when is this going to be over”, I was just there for each moment and took it as it came. Labour felt like an eternity, but one I was able to be sentient with and not fight. The LGH staff commented on how peaceful our room was, with meditation music, dimmed lights and LED candles. They also said it was great to have a CalmBirth mum giving birth – I was pretty much silent throughout my labour! When we first got to the ward I’d got a little anxious listening to other women down the hall screaming as they were giving birth, so I get what they mean ;).

Nina is 2 weeks and a few days old now, doing well and growing bigger every day. Newborns are challenging but awesome!