Oliver, Arthur & Patrick

Five years on!  One of my very first Calmbirth couples shares her 3 very different births..
? Natural
? Caesarean
We still talk about how amazing Calmbirth was for us.
We have had 3 wonderful birth experiences, all very different and Calmbirth helped in them all.
1st birth was a natural, pain relief free birth where the Calmbirth breathing and visualisation worked amazing.
2nd birth was a fetal distress emergency c-section. Calmbirth played a huge role in relaxation as during the whole process I remained calm and relaxed which I am sure helped with the birth.
3rd birth was a successful vbac. Due to being a vbac I was monitored the whole time and what could have been a stressful birth due to previous c-section both Rhys and I were relaxed and often referred back to Calmbirth.
The slow breathing, enjoying the ‘waves of tightening some and touch from rhys are my stand out things with Calmbirth.
Another thing I always tell other mum and dads to be is how pain is not something I relate to birth. I really love the word of tightenings and the waves instead of the word pain.
During my births I always thought of my baby, rhys and I working as a team to welcome the baby to the outside world.
Not sure if it is just luck or not if it’s the calm way our babies were born but all 3 have been very content babies which we often say is due to the Calmbirth program.
We truly feel so privileged to have completed the Calmbirth weekend as I can honestly say I loved all my births.
I hope you are well and I am sure you have helped many more couples have wonderful birthing experiences.
Thank you,
Raelene and Rhys (Oliver 4yrs, Arthur 2yrs, Patrick 3months).