Oliver Hulme

Brandon and I welcomed Oliver on 28th September.

I went into spontaneous labour on the 27th (4 days past EDD). I had been having strong braxton hicks for over a week prior to labour and noticed on the evening of the 27th they were a bit more consistent. I wasn’t convinced that it was labour but gave my MGP midwife the heads up and headed to bed at 8.30. An hour later at 9.30 I got up to use the bathroom and immediately had really strong contractions, which I knew was labour. I woke Brandon and asked him to run the bath, where I laboured for two hours until the contractions were too intense and Brandon suggested we consider going to hospital as I had started vomiting from the intensity. I had a quick shower and arrived at hospital around 11.45 where I was checked and was 6cm. They called my MGP midwife and when she arrived I got in the shower where I felt urges to push shortly after. I was checked again and was 9.5cm so she ran me the bath where I delivered Oliver at 0351 on the 28th.
The labour felt really quick with little time to process the stages, but I’m so pleased that everything went smoothly and I had the water birth I was hoping for.
Calmbirth breathing was so helpful, particularly during the early stages at home! Brandon was able to talk me through and remind me of the techniques thanks to the class. I also took your recommendation of pre-birth acupuncture with Sarah George. I went weekly from 36 weeks and found it so beneficial, she had a great holistic approach.

We’re so pleased we took your class!

Madeline and Brandon Hulme.