Rani Rafaella Robbie

Calmbirth Caesarean Course birth story.
On reflection of the birth – Calmbirth definitely helped me to stay as present as possible. Emotions were especially heightened for James and I since the experience of Herbert’s birth who had died the day before he was born at 37 weeks, we were both hyperaware of our environment and it sent us in to panic mode/fight/flight mode. I was especially emotional, a lot of tears and trouble staying on top of my breath. I consciously calmed myself down to the best of my ability by utilising the breathing techniques given in the Calmbirth class and I felt it helped me stay present in the room as best I could. As my waters broke unexpectedly a week prior to my planned c-section, I had to very quickly visualise what was to come and felt this also helped me mentally prepare for the birth.
For my husband, being able to spend some time to sit and think about what was to come and to focus and visualise on the birth was helpful in preparing him. In the busy-ness of life to stop and consider the process, which even though it was to be our third time, was still helpful in slowing down.
Overall, I think it would be very useful, especially for those who have experienced trauma to practice being present and in the moment, especially as we know this is what happens in trauma – the disconnection of body to mind, to have tools to draw upon in the moment were very helpful and ultimately healing.