19. Dec
Welcome Sulivan.
I’m so glad we invested in Calmbirth before welcoming our little Sulivan in to the world. It helped us feel confident and prepared going in to our birth and also understand our options as they were presented to us.
My waters broke at 2pm Monday and arrived at the hospital to be checked at 4pm. The midwives confirmed I was in labour although contractions were mild. They encouraged us to head back home and make myself comfortable until I felt the need to return and contractions were closer together.
By 10:30pm, contractions were 2 minutes apart and after arriving back at the hospital, we were taken to our birth suite where we made ourselves comfortable, keeping the lights low and our music playing. I continued to labour for another 5 hours before requesting pain relief (epidural). I was exhausted.
After the pain relief was administered contractions really slowed. In 4 hours I had dilated 1cm. We then proceeded with the synthetic oxytocin to increase the contractions again and encourage further dilation.
A few complications and 10 hours later, we welcomed Sulivan in to the world. Sunny side up (OP), dropping fetal heart rate, cord concerns, forceps delivery, episiotomy and a natural third stage.
Calm birth was by far the best investment we made. We had so much confidence in my body and each others knowledge of the process. We knew our wishes and the decisions we made along the way made it such a beautiful experience.
Thank you, Cherie.
Kind regards,