04. Jun
Little Thomas Archible Johnston was born on the 1st of Feb at 0347. He was induced at 38 weeks on my obstetricians advice due to low AFI and placenta ‘dysfunction’. We were initially disappoint at having to have an induction, however we were prepared for the possibility and the induction earlier meant that I would get to have a go at a natural birth.
To cut a long story short, it took three days in hospital and multiple attempts to ripen my cervix to get my labour started. I was worried that we were intervening too much and that my body was not ready and my baby was not ready. I really used calm breathing and focused on the excitement of finally meeting my baby. I also focused on my body would known what to do when the time come, and aimed for the best birth possible.
Despite almost having a c section, a prolonged labour, epidural and numerous interventions I walked away feeling like a super woman. Pushing out my baby was the most amazing this I have ever done. The calm birth course taught me how to advocate for myself and get the vaginal birth I really wanted. The dim lights and music playing as my husband held my hand and the amazing midwives cheering me on as I birthed my baby will be something I will always remember!
Thank you, Abby