Twins Maggie + Charlie

Welcome Maggie & Charlie

Hi Cherie. My waters broke on Christmas at 30 weeks. Within an hour I was having contractions 1-2 minutes apart and I was rushed in for an emergency caesarean. We used the breathing technique and had practiced them regularly in the stressful weeks in hospital. Despite the chaos of people everywhere and the rush, Richard and I were calm and peaceful while our beautiful babies Maggie and Charlie were born at 30 weeks and 1 day just clocking over to Boxing Day.

They are safe and well, growing nicely in Hobart until we can be transferred to Launceston when they have gained enough weight. Thank you for everything. Bron & Richard

*Update – Feb 12th was the day Charlie + Maggie got to go home for the first time.

Recommended resources for twin parents from Bron

Parents of multiples Australia FB page

Book – Raising twins