Summer Jane

Calmbirth definitely supported my partner to support me during the birth. The education calm birth provided was great and in the end he caught Summer as she entered the world without any hesitation!
Our baby Summer Jane was born on 1/12/21 (the first day of summer ??). Summer was wasn’t in any rush to come and meet us so ended up being 10 . I had the works to get things going- stretch and sweep, pessarie, waters broken and cintocin drip. In the end Summer arrived after a short 4 hour labour! She was born without any pain relief just as I had wanted- lots of Gas and air though! The calm birth breathing was very helpful!
Calmbirth was so helpful in preparing us for the birth of summer. It helped me to be really clear about how I wanted the birth to go. Although it didn’t go 100% to my plan due to the speed, I felt calm and flexible throughout my pregnancy and was prepared for anything to happen.
Most of the Calmbirth tools I used before the birth in preparation e.g meditation, breathing and visualisation. We had a go using acupressure points to get things going but Summer was a bit too comfy!
Calmbirth definitely supported my partner to support me during the birth. The education calm birth provided was great and in the end he caught Summer as she entered the world without any hesitation!
We loved calmbirth- thank you!